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Fadcloset Men's Jackets Size Chart

How do the sizes run?

The sizes are true to our size chart and are fitted for layering.

Are the measurements body or jacket measurements?

The measurements listed in our size charts are based on body measurements (not jacket measurements). The Jacket is made slightly larger for comfort movement and layering.

*Note: Actual Jacket measurements are listed on some of the jackets. See variance question below for general fit variance guidance between body and jacket measurement.

What is the variance between body measurement and jacket measurement?

Men's Differential:

Chest: For XS to M the differential is +3 inches from Body to Jacket measurements, L is +3.5 inches, and XXL to 4XL it is +4 inches.

Waist: For XS to M the differential is +5 inches from Body to Jacket measurements, L is +5.5 inches, and XL to 4XL it is +6 inches.

Sleeves: There is no variance in sleeves.

Men's Size Chart