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Alexa Martha Designs

Alexa Martha Designs Masculine Sturdy Copper Swivel Infinity Bracelet


Handcrafted heavy-duty masculine rustic-looking sturdy 10 gauge hammer-forged copper infinity bracelet. This bracelet features 3 mm black leather sections and swivels copper end caps, which makes it possible to turn the bracelet without having to take it off.

  • Unique super sturdy bracelet design
  • 10 gauge solid bare copper rod, 
  • Hammer forged and sculpted technique
  • Infinity Symbol size is 1 1/4 x 1/2 inches
  • 3 mm smooth black leather sections
  • State of the art Copper swivel end caps
  • Bracelet always sits right
  • Bracelet size is for an 8-inch wrist
  • Made in Montana

This bracelet was part of the Alexa Martha Designs Display at the 2016 GBK Primetime Emmy's Celebrity Lounge. Read about it here  IN THE PRESS