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CommodiTeas ProductiviTea Energy Blend


Need a boost? Try our ProductiviTea blend to get you through the day! For those of you unfamiliar with Mate, the base leaf of this blend, the herb is known as a national drink of Brazil and Argentina where it is enjoyed as a pick-me-up at any time of day. The beverage owes its invigorating character to mateine, a caffeine-like compound present in the leaves. An invigorating blend of Green Mate, Lemongrass, Spearmint, Ginseng, Gingko and other vivacious, body enriching herbs. A full-bodied cup with herbal notes and fresh spearmint sweetness. Choose loose leaf or premium quality biodegradable teabags. 

About CommodiTeas

At CommodiTeas, you will find premium quality tea, and beverage related gifts that reflect your unbelievable sense of style.  We supply great products, because you demand great taste.

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